
Remote Support

Zum Testen für Remote-Support für Vista:


Enable RDP Server in Windows Server 2003

After installation of Windows Server 2003, the remote desktop server is not enabled by default. To enable the server, simply right-klickklick on ‘My Computer’, then klickklick on ‘Properties’ and klickklick on ‘Remote’. There klickklick on ‘Enable Remote Desktop on this Computer’.

Geeky KlickKlick

Convert a Apache/OpenSSL Certificate for IIS

Micro$ofts II$ cannot handle certificates, which are used for the Apache httpd. But wIth only two steps, those certificate can be converted using openssl.

  • Convert the private key into NET format:
openssl rsa -in ApacheKey.key -out IISKey.key -outform NET
  • Convert the certificate into pkcs12 format:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in ApacheCert.crt -inkey ApacheKey.key -out IISCert.p12


To add the certificate in IIS, first open the management console ‘mmc’, add the certificate management snap-in and import the certificate to the ‘Personal Certificates’. Unless you do this, the certificate is not available within IIS on the Security Wizard.

Needless to say, I really don’t like IIS for beeing that irritating.